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Hillerød Distribution
Service partner


Proud service partner for dao for over 20years now. Our familly company startet in 2001, We have a total for 40+ employees. 

Service Partner for 

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Become a Better Team, Together.

Our vision is to be better then everyone else, we set an honour in the job we do. We take the outmost care of your produkt wether its a package, letter, magazine, newpaper. All of them have the same value for us. 

Simple & Approachable Workflow

We make sure work plans are allways 6weeks ahead, and make them as easy as possible to read. We have a very unity on the produktion floor, so incase of sickness or leave, we all pitch in to make the work schedules go up. 

The employes drive 5fixed rutes, and then 1 extra random rute. 

As an employe at Hillerød Distribution, you are espected to show excellence behavior 

As part of our Company, you will be required to sign a Faith and Belief statement, and a binding dokument to in wich you agree and understand that you are under the national postal law.. You will also sign an agreement regarding reckless driving and seizure of vehicles, where you are solely responsible for remaining debts and all costs, associated with the seizure 

§11. sektion 1

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In our company we dont have packages with '' Handle with care''. We handle all our packages with extreme care. 

All our employees get their own, device so they can ensure correct delivery & have Gmaps. To find new adresses 

Section 11 Anyone who works in a postal company must not give unauthorized persons any information about the use of postal transport by others or the opportunity to obtain such information themselves.PCS. 2. The duty of confidentiality continues after the person in question has ceased to work for the postal service.


We deliver letters, of all kind, and have electricity on all deliveries

GPS & electronik driver list

To meet the growing demand for traceable products and maintain a high standard of quality, we equip all our vehicles and electronic devices with GPS technology. This approach allows us to monitor our assets in real time, track vehicle routes, and ensure efficient and accurate operations.

Before our employees start working independently, they undergo thorough training on how to use these GPS systems effectively. This training ensures they are fully capable of leveraging the technology to enhance safety, improve accountability, and optimize performance."

Trusted by the Greatest


Hear it from our employes 

“Hillerød Distributionen is a place where you can feel accepted and feel that you are accepted for who you are, even if you have limitations. The management is also one of the reasons why you can feel that you are accepted, as the management has good experience in introducing people to what they have to do and who are basically understanding”

Senior Courier Mark J. 8 years employment. 

How Do We Make Your Team Life Easier? 

Encourage Team Communication

Help each other Save Time & improve earnings

Makes Information Accessible 

Keeps Everyone in The Loop 

With the Right Workplace, Everything Is Possible


Try dao today.

Low price,  High quality service 

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